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Platti al Al Girasole

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as fair or good.
  • - this dish was described as a masterpiece and is worth trying for its artful preparation.
  • Scampi Gnocchi

    - the scampi gnocchi received excellent reviews, although one reviewer noted the scampi were small and tasteless.
  • Whitefish in Green Sauce

    - this appetizer was praised for its abundance and freshness.
  • Pirate Fish

    - a first course that was described as delicious and fresh.
  • Roasted Whitefish

    - this dish was deemed exceptional by reviewers.
  • Grilled and Fried Starters

    - these appetizers were all very good according to one reviewer.
  • - this dish was recommended for its generous portion and perfect cooking.
  • Grilled Whitefish

    - another highly recommended dish for its excellent flavor.
  • - this hearty dish was enjoyed by a reviewer, especially when accompanied by an Aperol Spritz.
  • Risotto alla Marinara

    - this dish was described as excellent.
  • Grilled Codegone

    - this dish was served to perfection according to one reviewer.
  • Seafood Appetizer

    - this dish was well-received, with one reviewer calling it good.
  • Mixed Fried Fish

    - this dish was highly praised by a reviewer who called it very good.
  • Artisanal Grappas and Liqueurs

    - these drinks were described as exceptional.
  • Trifle Cake

    - the trifle cake was described as delicious.
  • - the tiramisu was highly praised as excellent.